Landlords commonly replace or rekey the locks after the previous tenants vacate.
Putting a key in a door lock.
Once the new pins are in reverse the steps to reassemble the lock.
If the current tenants are uncertain of whether landlord actually did this asking the landlord if you can replace the locks yourself may allow you to put your own locks in.
Insert the pins and reassemble the lock.
Get extra copies of the keys to provide to the landlord if you are permitted to go this route.
Turn the key so that the keyway slot is in the exact position it was in when you inserted the key.
The keyhole lock remains in place and prevents unwanted visitors who may have keys to your residence from entering.
Insert the straw into the opening of the lock.
Slide a keyhole lock into the keyhole.
Purchase a keyhole lock at your local home supply store.
Push your key in as far as it will go.
Guide the straw as far in as you can to make sure you re hitting every part of the locking mechanism that might be sticking with the wd 40.
Remove the keyhole lock key.
Shut and lock your door from the outside.
Insert the keyhole lock key into the keyhole lock.
Dump out the old pins insert the new key and use tweezers or small needle nose pliers to match the new colored pins to the color code on the special instruction sheet.
Place the end of the straw into the opening of the lock where you normally insert your key.