Purina one s smartblend chicken rice formula features real chicken as the first ingredient blended with other high quality protein sources to help support strong muscles and a healthy heart.
Purina chicken and rice dog food.
Give your dog a tasty meal inspired by the science of nature when you serve purina one smartblend natural chicken rice formula adult dry dog food.
Dry dog food with real chicken as the first ingredient blended with other high quality protein sources helps support strong muscles including a healthy heart.
Chicken rice whole grain wheat poultry by product meal source of glucosamine soybean meal beef fat preserved with mixed tocopherols corn gluten meal whole grain corn dried egg product fish meal source of glucosamine natural flavor glycerin wheat bran calcium carbonate mono and dicalcium phosphate salt soybean oil potassium chloride fish oil minerals zinc proteinate.
Chicken and rice formula dog food is a most popular options on shelves and for good reason.
Chicken water sufficient for processing liver meat by products rice guar gum potassium chloride salt carrageenan added color calcium carbonate vitamin e supplement zinc sulfate ferrous sulfate choline chloride niacin thiamine mononitrate copper sulfate calcium pantothenate manganese sulfate pyridoxine hydrochloride vitamin b 12 supplement riboflavin supplement vitamin a supplement folic acid vitamin d 3 supplement biotin potassium iodide sodium selenite.
Both chicken and rice are versatile ingredients that provide several different important nutritional elements that your dog needs to thrive.
Formerly purina pro plan bright mind adult chicken rice formula brain supporting nutrients which contains a proprietary blend of dha epa antioxidants b vitamins and arginine for cognitive health fortified with guaranteed live probiotics for digestive and immune health chicken is the first ingredient.
Purina one smartblend chicken and rice formula adult premium dog food sku.
Product overview formerly purina pro plan savor puppy shredded blend chicken rice formula dha from omega rich fish oil nourishes brain and vision development crunchy kibble and tender shredded pieces for delicious taste and texture.
Chicken source of glucosamine rice flour corn gluten meal whole grain corn chicken by product meal source of glucosamine whole grain wheat soybean meal beef fat naturally preserved with mixed tocopherols glycerin liver flavor calcium carbonate mono and dicalcium phosphate salt caramel color dried carrots dried peas potassium chloride vitamins vitamin e.