The account of the healing of the paralyzed man in mark 2 1 12 contains a number of lessons for growing christians.
Paralytic lowered through the roof.
As late as the early 20th century some of the roofs in tiberias were of packed clay.
18 some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before jesus.
Seeing their faith jesus said to the paralytic take courage son.
Your sins are forgiven 3 and some of the scribes said to themselves this fellowblasphemes 4 and jesus knowing their thoughts said why are you thinking evil in your hearts.
Capernaum is also the location of the healing of the paralytic lowered by friends through the roof to reach jesus as reported in mark 2 1 12 and luke 5 17 26.
So the four men went up on the roof removed some tiles and lowered the paralyzed man on his bedroll into the middle of the crowd right in front of jesus.
The man is literally let down through the roof under the careful control of his concerned friends and into a situation controlled by the lord jesus christ.
In matthew 9 1 the town is referred to only as his own city and the narrative in matthew 9 2 7 does not mention the.
Roof and outside stairs leading up to the roof.
2 and they brought to him a paralytic lying on a bed.
Many roofs of the galilean villages were overlain with packed clay.
But the language is strongly against such a construction.
So they tore a hole in this man s roof and lowered him down to jesus.
Healing the paralytic.
But instead of giving healing the first thing jesus said was son thy sins be forgiven thee.
Jesus was impressed by the faith of these men.
19 when they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd right in front of jesus.
Berean literal bible and not being able to come near to him on account of the crowd they removed the roof where he was and having broken it up they let down the pallet on which the paralytic was lying.
The friends climbed up an outside staircase and dug a hole through the roof.
It has been suggested the greek for clay tile might have also meant packed clay.
First jesus did what only god can do he forgave the man s sins.
Healing the paralytic let down through the roof in capernaum.
An awning is not a roof and it is rolled up not broken up moreover the man was let down through the tiles which seems to indicate that the remaining tiles encased an opening through which he was lowered.
They lowered their friend down to the place where jesus was.
Since they were unable to get to jesus through the crowd they uncovered the roof above him made an opening and lowered the paralytic on his mat.